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Produkte Buch Implementing Sustainability - Barriers and Chances

Implementing Sustainability - Barriers and Chances (E-Book)

Book of Abstracts

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Implementing Sustainability - Barriers and Chances
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Details zum Buch

Fraunhofer IBP, KIT Karlsruhe, TU München, Gerd Hauser, Thomas Lützkendorf, Natalie Essig
Bibliografische Angaben

450 Seiten, num. figs.


Fraunhofer IRB Verlag

ISBN 9783816789666

The sb13 munich conference is the first congress of the world-wide sustainable building conference cycle that is hosted in Germany. Architects, engineers, politicians, researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs from all over the world meet from 24th to 26th April 2013 at the sb13 in Munich to present and exchange their knowledge and opinions about the implementation of sustainability in the building sector. Keynote lectures will be given by highly respected speakers from across the world. Topics are:
Political Frameworks for a Sustainable Built Environment
Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning
Design, Architecture and Education
Methodologies and Tools for Planning, Operation and Deconstruction Processes of Buildings
Technologies, Material and Product Innovations.
0,00 € inkl. MwSt.

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(für Kunden aus D und aus EU sowie für Firmenkunden aus CH)