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Produkte Buch Joint Sealing in Water-Resistant Concrete Structures

Joint Sealing in Water-Resistant Concrete Structures (Hardcover)

89,00 € inkl. MwSt., ggfs. zzgl. Versandkosten

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Details zum Buch

Rainer Hohmann
Bibliografische Angaben

390 Seiten, num. figs. and tab.


Fraunhofer IRB Verlag

ISBN 9783816780199

Water-resistant concrete structures - sometimes referred to as "integrally waterproof structures" - have gained increasing importance in recent years. The detailing and waterproofing of joints, which demand particular care on the part of both designers and contractors, have frequently proved to be the Achilles heel of these constructions.
The author gives a comprehensive overview of the various sealing systems, from flexible and metal waterstops to flanged constructions, explains how they function and their fields of application, identifies their strengths and weaknesses and describes practical processing and handling. In addition to numerous tips on the right choice, on design, detailing and installation, the author also shows typical errors and their causes and offers suggestions on how to avoid them. The book is thus a comprehensive compendium covering all phases in the design and installation of joint seals in waterproof buildings.
"... This book provides designers and contractors with clear, practical recommendations for good practice " (beton 6/2005). | "... In summary it can be said that the book is highly relevant to both designers and contractors. It has been written as a practical aid for practical people. The book can be thoroughly recommended for its great practical value and its clarity." (Prof. Dr. Erich Cziesielski in "Bauphysik" 27(2005),No. 3). | "... This book can be recommended for everyone who is involved in the practical work of sealing joints in water-resistant concrete structures." (Werner Fröhling in "Bautechnik" 83(2006), No. 5).
89,00 € inkl. MwSt., ggfs. zzgl. Versandkosten

Aktueller Hinweis: Unsere Verlagsauslieferung zieht um. Deswegen sind einige Produkte derzeit leider nur auf Rechnung bestellbar. Außerdem kann es teilweise zu längeren Lieferzeiten kommen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!

Lieferbar | Lieferzeit ca. 2-5 Werktage